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A child's safety is an adult's job.  Children are often taught how to keep themselves safe from sexual abuse, and that's important for them to learn; however, that's no substitute for adult responsibility.  There are some simple things you can do to protect children - learn the facts about abuse and understand the risks; minimize opportunities for abuse to take place; talk openly with your children about protection and not keeping secrets; have a plan with your child about what to do should something happen; and, act on your suspicions.


Only 1 in 10 children report sexual abuse, and they typically endure that abuse for up to 6 months before they make an outcry.  Your involvement in protecting children could make the difference in abuse occurring at all!


At this time, we are not offering any training events for community members, but will be happy to design a training to suit you or your agency's need for prevention education. Contact for more information.


We recommend Darkness To Light's Stewards of Children training curriculum. You can find in-person trainings on their website as well as some online/virtual options.


Stewards of Children's Training Features:
  • Delivered in a trauma-informed way by instructors and facilitators who have been rigorously trained

  • Features powerful videos paired with robust facilitated discussion

  • Teaches three foundational empowerment skills:

    • Making choices that protect children

    • Taking risks to minimize danger to children

    • Supporting each other

  • Highlights The 5 Steps to Protecting Children™ and how to apply them to better protect children from child sexual abuse

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